Hot, hot, hot

  I’ve been in Germany for about 4 months now. I’ve unpacked every single box, save for one. I hope all the items that are still missing will be in that one box, but I am not hopeful.

  Germany, and Stuttgart, is still taking some getting used to. Our apartment does not have air conditioning, and they issue a severe weather alert when the temperature threatens to be in the mid-80’s, so that takes some getting used to,  both the high temperature without an AC, and the severe weather alert for it hitting only 85.

  DH has the video working. Unfortunately, not cable, just the TV, so we watch DVD’s. I quickly got over them and just listen to music over the set now. Since my wonderful CD player bit the dust about two weeks ago, I can only listen to CD’s one at a time. However, the van has a six CD changer and I can listen ad infinitem when I drive.

  Tonight is the opening day for the London Olympics – wish I could watch. Oh, well. I plan to find one of the famous mineral spas in Stuttgart today, instead. Hope I don’t embarrass myself too badly with my non-existent German.

  Tomorrow is the local Volksmarch group’s annual event. After a week of sweltering, sunny days, the weather man predicts thunderstorms all weekend long. Just my luck.